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Starting Your Project Management Office: A How-To Guide

Today’s leading organisations thrive on successful projects. However, traditional project methodologies can struggle to keep pace with evolving needs. A well-designed Project Management Office can be.

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Could Your Business Benefit From a Digital PMO?

Imagine providing your PMO with a springboard to achieve incredible things. A system that empowers you with real-time insights, seamless collaboration, and data-driven decision-making. Today, we're.

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Demystifying PMOaaS: Unraveling the Key Concepts and Benefits

Project Management Office as a Service is a rapidly emerging trend that supports the evolution and growth of the traditional Project Management Office. But how does this service operate, and what are.

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The Evolution of PMOs: How PMOaaS Is Reshaping Project Delivery

For decades, Project Management Offices (PMOs) have played an essential role in delivering effective and efficient projects. As businesses navigate an increasingly complex and competitive landscape,.

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Maximising ROI with PMOaaS: Strategies for Success

Every organisation seeks the ability to boost revenue and maximise return on investment - and optimising your approach to projects and programs is one of the most effective ways to do so. While the.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing PMOaaS in Your Organisation

If you’ve been keeping up with our recent series of articles on Project Management Office as a Service, then its significant benefits won't be a surprise to you. We’re frequently speaking with.

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How to Overcome Common Challenges When Adopting PMOaaS

The decision to implement Project Management Office as a Service (PMOaaS) can transform your organisation. From optimised projects to scalability and specialist expertise, there are countless.

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Plan For Project Success With These PMO Best Practices

Managing large, intricate programs demands discipline and dedication. A stellar Project Management Office (PMO) is your secret weapon, tackling issues before they arise and providing crucial insights.

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Choosing the Right PMO Structure: A Guide for Organisational Success

The ability to deliver successful projects is fundamental to achieving your goals. But does your organisation struggle with low project success rates, resource inefficiencies, or ineffective project.

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Emotional Intelligence in Project Management: Why It Matters

Corinne Passelegue, Consultant at MetaPM, shares Why Emotional Intelligence in Project Management Matters. Originally shared on Corinne's LinkedIn page, August 7, 2023. Driven by a passion for.

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The Five Key Phases of the Project Management Life Cycle

Sam Ives, Project Management Consultant at MetaPM, shares The Five Key Phases of the Project Management Life Cycle. Originally shared on Sam's LinkedIn page, June 16, 2023. Hey there, I'm Sam Ives,.

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PMO (Project Management Office): A Beginner's Guide - What You Need To Know

Broadly stated, a PMO exists to ensure that an organisation's investment in a project is sustainable––with a focus on improving solution delivery. Follow this guide to garner a beginner 101 on the.

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What You Need in Your Skills Capability Uplift Playbook

To be a success, a project needs successful staff, staff driven by skills and experience that are up to speed. And while investing in standalone training programs and certifications will set you in.

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5 Fundamental Soft Skills for Remote Project Managers

Hi! I'm Khadijah. Project manager for MetaPM since April 2021. For the last 12 months, my work has focused on the University of Melbourne and prior to that, Beyond Blue, another successful MetaPM.

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KPIs vs OKRs: What Are They and How to Use Them

Every goal-oriented organisation should have KPIs and OKRs in place. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are popular goal-setting terms in the business world. When.

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How to Build a PMO Roadmap

Introduction The business landscape has never before been so competitive or complex. The emergence of new technologies is more rapid than ever before, and more companies are under pressure to deliver.

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The Past, Present and Future of Projects - An Australian Story

Jenny Turner, MetaPM's new NSW lead, shares her reflections on 25 years of project management evolution. The Past I began working in Project Services in 1997. In the almost 25 years since, I’ve.

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A Recommended Approach to Reviewing and Uplifting Your PMO Capability

An effective PMO can provide incredible value to businesses, regardless of their size, industry focus and age. Today, organisations maintain their competitive edge by implementing proven.

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PMO Glossary (PMO, EPMO, TMO, PgMO & More)

The term ‘PMO’ can apply to many things (e.g. project management office, program management office and portfolio management office, to name a few). And while all of these entities help businesses.

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PMO Essentials

With projects making up a significant share of Australia’s business opportunities, we’ve seen a concerted focus on improving project management. And that focus is paying off. In 2018, almost 70 per.

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Do You Need a Project Management Office (PMO)?

In the hunt for greater efficiency and more effective project management, companies are increasingly employing project management offices (PMOs). But what is a project management office, and how.

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5 Steps to Mitigate Project Risk

Large or small, all projects are affected by risk. Whether it’s to technology, people, processes or resources, risks have the potential to derail your project if left unattended. So how can project.

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Benefits and Business Case Reviews

Have you checked recently to see if your business case still stacks up? COVID-19 has thrown everything up in the air. Ways of working, access to/cost of borrowing, realisation of benefits, access to.

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How to use Learning Pathways

You know we’ve launched our Learning Pathways. You know how they can help. Now find out how to utilise them to reach your career goals! Find your specialty area On the first page of the Learning.

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How to use Learning Pathways

You know we’ve launched our Learning Pathways. You know how they can help. Now find out how to utilise them to reach your career goals! Find your specialty area On the first page of the Learning.

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A Case Study on Establishing a Project Management Office (PMO)

MetaPM was asked to establish a PMO (Project Management Office) to support the delivery of seven major national reform projects. The following is a case study that highlights the challenges involved.

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Do You Have the Desire a& Tools to Manage?

DO YOU HAVE THE DESIRE AND TOOLS TO MANAGE CHANGE BUT STILL NOTHING HAPPENS? by Bronte Jackson Do you have a Change Management Framework – guidelines, tools and templates? Do you have an agreement at.

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PMO Case Study – Lessons Learned Register

PMO case study: Our client, a PMO, had identified that their lessons learned were stored electronically in a variety of formats within their EDMS, with the associated difficulties in locating them.

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Framework – Project Management Capability Development Framework

The Project Management Capability Development Framework is comprised of seven interdependent elements. Each element identifies outcomes and capabilities to be established to enable the overall.

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Mad about squandered opportunities in the EPMO

How many Portfolio or EPMOs (Enterprise Program Management Office) really do step up to their Portfolio responsibilities? Not nearly enough, I say and I am mad about it! Why? Because most of my.

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Case Study: PMO Structure and Capability Development

Learn how a leading pharmaceutical wholesaler engaged MetaPM to build their PMO structure and capability development to support program and project delivery. The Challenge: Our client, a leading.

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Case Study: Procurement of Project Management System

Learn how MetaPM helped source and implement a Project Management System to improve project practices. The Challenge: A local Council needed to source and implement a Project Management system to.

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Portfolio Management – Maximising Shareholder Value

‘Strategy is only as good as the execution behind it’ Bali Padda, LEGO COO Many organisations are falling short of meeting their strategically aligned objectives. A study undertaken by McKinsey in.

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